Find pelvic floor freedom and rediscover the joy of movement!

Join The Pelvic Floor Project

Make a commitment to your wellbeing. Set up your pelvic floor health for the rest of your life. Get rid of those pelvic floor issues like wetting yourself that you’ve been putting off for too long.

Start your journey

Are you ready to…

  • address those pesky leaks?
  • improve prolapse symptoms like heaviness and dragging?
  • close abdominal separation?
  • strengthen your core to prevent back pain?

So you can…

  • jump on the trampoline with your kids
  • Stop doing ‘wild wees’
  • do the exercise you want to do
  • stop worrying about where the nearest toilet is?!

If so, I’d love you to join us for this holistic approach to improve your long term pelvic floor health with pelvic floor friendly Pilates, support and accountability.

  • Do you do your pelvic floor exercises (when you remember) but just don’t see any improvement?
  • Have you accepted that you just have to live with your core not supporting you properly?
  • Do you worry that your pelvic floor problems are only going to get worse as you age (you’re right by the way!)?


…feeling confident that your pelvic floor would support you, whatever challenges you gave it.

…chasing your kids and jumping on the trampoline with them – without worrying about leaks.

…feeling confident that you were setting yourself up for a lifetime of better pelvic floor health.

“I’ve learned that pelvic floor problems will not go away or get better on their own. The sooner you sign up and commit to working on the problem, the sooner you will see the benefits. Not all pilates classes are necessarily appropriate for treating pelvic floor issues – Grace’s are. Just sign up. Do the exercises. You won’t regret it.”


Whether your baby is 6 months old or about to turn 16, you need to gift yourself a proper rehab programme for your pelvic floor and core. If you are leaking, it shows that the balance of pressure within your core is simply not functioning as we want it to. So far you haven’t had the time or the energy to work out how to solve this and pelvic floor exercises aren’t working (or you aren’t remembering to do them!) so it’s time to take a different approach – pelvic floor Pilates is what you need!.

Most people don’t realise that pelvic floor health isn’t just about having strong muscles “down there”. Your pelvic floor works as part of the full body system and pelvic floor dysfunction needs to be treated as a full body issue. It’s not just about strengthening your core, it’s about how your body works as a whole – how your posture, your breathing and your daily movement patterns impact your pelvic floor function.

I know what it feels like to lose confidence in your body after having a baby. When I was diagnosed with a prolapse, I was filled with fear about making it worse. I did pelvic floor exercises, gentle, restorative Pilates and modified anything high impact. But working from a place of fear is not the answer. When I started to load my core more through the pelvic floor Pilates I now teach, the change in my pelvic floor was pretty instant.

You can change your pelvic floor

With the right exercises, I went from feeling like things were never going to be the same to feeling confident in my pelvic floor. To chasing after my kids at the park without worrying about it…being able to lift whatever I want to…being able to RUN (I have to write it in capitals because I still can’t quite believe I can do that!)

And if I can do it, so can you. Whatever your goals are for your pelvic floor, we will work together to get you there.

Introducing: The Pelvic Floor Project

It’s time to get your pelvic floor health back on track with our monthly membership!

The Pelvic Floor Project online membership will help to get you to a place where you can stop worrying about your pelvic floor, live your life as you want to, exercise as you want to and understand what works for your body and what doesn’t.

We will work on making lasting changes to get you where you want to be. And unlike many approaches, mine doesn’t involve kegels!

The Pelvic Floor Project includes:

  • 121 kick off call – a personalised deep dive 30 minute strategy session with me to identify exactly what you need and how we’ll make your journey with the Pelvic Floor Project a success on your terms
  • Unlimited weekly live classes with me on Zoom in term time
  • Exclusive members area with two new 30 minute classes uploaded every week for when you can’t make the live sessions (because we know the juggle is real)
  • Expert Workshops: Gain insights and knowledge from informative workshops led by experienced professionals in women’s health, where you’ll learn practical tips.
  • Pelvic Floor Foundations Pathway: pre-recorded 10 minute videos to help you understand how it all works so you can use that knowledge to restore your pelvic floor function.
  • Posture and breathing: advice to help you understand how your daily habits can impact your pelvic floor.
  • ‘Daily Motion’ exercises – establish what movements you are already doing EVERY DAY that could actually be helping your pelvic floor.
  • Guided Exercises: Access a variety of evidence based exercises tailored to strengthen and support your pelvic floor muscles. These exercises are designed to help you progress at your own pace through the on-demand area.

You may feel like you don’t have the time or energy for a programme like this – but the accountability of the live classes is brilliant when you are lacking motivation.

All you have to do is hit play on the on demand area and I’ll talk you through the exercises you need in less than 10 minutes a day. I’ll be there as your cheerleader and support you throughout.

The Result:

You will build strength in your core and make changes to your breath patterns, posture and daily movement that will revolutionise your pelvic floor!

PLUS with this new understanding of how your daily motion impacts your pelvic floor function, you’ll build better habits and lose the guilt you’ve been feeling about not doing your kegels!

The end result is that you wave goodbye to leaking and have a stronger and more functional pelvic floor and core … and a body that you can have confidence in!

You’ll feel totally confident in your pelvic floor’s ability to support you fully. You can learn to stop leaks, exercise the way you want to and work with the rest of your core to help you feel strong and confident in your body. You will improve prolapse symptoms, back pain and begin to close abdominal separation (if you are facing any of those issues too).

“Just wanted to let you know I travelled into London (lots of carrying the pram up and down stairs) and stood for three hours at a party without any prolapse symptoms. The last party I had to stand at I cried afterwards because I was in so much discomfort the whole time. I thought I’d never be able to again. Thank you! X” Jo

This is a pathway of specialist exercises that will help you to stop leaks, improve prolapse symptoms and reduce back pain. We will work on releasing tension throughout your body, building strength globally and making lasting changes to get you where you want to be. Unlike many approaches, mine doesn’t involve kegels!

I’m ready!

“I feel more confident in being out and about and ignoring my bladder. But the benefits from the program are wider than just pelvic floor problems – I am a lot stronger in my bum and legs, my posture is better, I am more flexible and my breathing is more balanced (still working on that one, though!). It is a whole body approach. Doing exercises little and often, working them into my routine, has added up to huge changes.”

“Grace has a huge knowledge and experience. You can absolutely trust her to understand your problems and give you the best exercises to help you.”

“Grace makes everything really easy to understand and is wonderful at providing a safe and supportive environment to talk about these issues. I can’t recommend her enough.”

Why now?

Pelvic floor problems only tend to get worse as we move towards perimenopause and menopause. As hormones start to change in our late 30s/early 40s, it is more important than ever to maintain muscle mass and strengthen your body. Over 50% of menopausal women suffer from incontinence so if you are already suffering, you MUST address it NOW. Even if you aren’t leaking at this stage, taking a preventative approach and learning these tools and exercises will help to stop these issues later down the line and set you up for a lifetime of better pelvic floor health.

“This is far more than just a Pilates course. I’ve learned how to improve my general breathing and posture, my toilet habits are better and I’ve built helpful movements into my daily routine.”


Join membership now

One of the main challenges you face is TIME

Being committed to a regular weekly class (or classes) makes all the difference and most of the pre-recorded content takes JUST 10 minutes or less so if you want to create the time, you can! This tried and tested framework of regular live sessions supported by practice in between is what I work through with my private clients with great results; you will have access to me and my expertise at a fraction of the one to one cost.

You will have access to the pre-recorded aspect of the programme for as long as you are a member so you can keep coming back to the work any time you want to!

The Pelvic Floor Project VIP Option
  • 121 kick off call – a personalised deep dive 30 minute strategy session with me
  • Unlimited weekly live classes on Zoom in term time
  • Regular guest speakers on all things Women’s Health and wellbeing
  • Community of brilliant peers
  • Actionable steps to work through
  • Video content to work through at your own pace (based on 10 minutes a day)
  • Replays of live classes will be available pronto
  • Discounts on other Centred Mums services such as 121s and retreat days
  • A monthly 60 minute 121 session with me so we can focus in on your specific needs
  • Unlimited weekly live classes on Zoom in term time
  • Regular guest speakers on all things Women’s Health and wellbeing
  • Community of brilliant peers
  • Actionable steps to work through
  • Video content to work through at your own pace (based on 10 minutes a day)
  • Replays of live classes will be available pronto
  • Discounts on other Centred Mums services such as 121s and retreat days

£49 a month

Sign Up

£120 a month


“The live calls really work for me. It still sticks in my mind what you said in the first class – that you either do something about it or accept symptoms.”


“When I started, I was leaking during impact exercise eg running, jumping I had concerns about the cost when I signed up. Will it work/fix me? What if my problems are beyond repair/beyond the ‘usual’ muscle strengthening etc but the results have been amazing! I made it back to the gym after 3 years! With no leaking. I understand better my limits and how I can build up to more impact exercise. I have a better awareness of my limitations/strength. I feel better physically and mentally in myself. I got into a really good routine with the programme, live classes, recordings etc.”


“I would definitely recommend you to my mum friends, pre and post natal, and anyone who struggles with core function/wants to build strength or get into Pilates. It’s clear that you have a lot of knowledge and experience and you’re able to tailor your classes and programmes to the needs of your clients. You’re also very committed to your clients and put a lot of effort into classes, recordings, weekly check ins etc – so although it is all online I feel like I have you by my side regularly!”


Imagine feeling confident in your body, knowing your pelvic floor is functioning as it should be and you’ve got a toolkit of exercises to keep working on for the rest of your life. Not avoiding exercise and being afraid to move and finally being able to jump on the trampoline with yourkids or stop suffering with prolapse symptoms. You CAN get this sorted.

And I will be there to hold your hand every step of the way.

If it’s in person classes you want, have a look at my in person St Albans based Pelvic Floor Pilates classes or enquire about one to one sessions (available in person or online)

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